Just how often did you happen to misplace or damage the fiscal receipt when you wanted to return the purchased articles?
Keeping the receipts or invoices in good conditions has always been problematic, both for the shopper, as well as for the retailer. That is why Sedona has implemented a secure and efficient fiscal receipt emission and delivery system, in electronic format, with the help of the new mobile app or through the Sedona POS tablet.
The app has a special field in which you can type the shopper’s address, in order to send him/her the fiscal receipt information, directly by email. Even though in Romania emitting the printed fiscal receipt is mandatory, sending it by email is a plus, as it keeps it safe, regardless of the situation, thus, simplifying sales operations.
Moreover, this facility will soon be implemented in the sales desktop version of Sedona Retail, making it the only app in Romania to allow sales people, even itinerant ones, to emit fiscal receipts on the spot.
In order to better understand this process, please watch the film below: